Renderless Pagination

All of the pre-built pagination components in this library use a RenderlessPagination component under the hood. If you want to build your own pagination component, you can use the RenderlessPagination component to handle all of the pagination logic while leaving the UI up to you.


Below is an example of how you might use the RenderlessPagination component to build a custom pagination component:

            v-if=" > slotProps.computed.perPage"
                <slot name="prev-nav">

                :aria-current="slotProps.computed.currentPage ? 'page' : null"
                v-for="(page, key) in slotProps.computed.pageRange"
                {{ page }}

                <slot name="next-nav">

import RenderlessPagination from 'laravel-vue-pagination/src/RenderlessPagination.vue';

export default {
    inheritAttrs: false,

    emits: ['pagination-change-page'],

    components: {

    props: {
        data: {
            type: Object,
            default: () => {}
        limit: {
            type: Number,
            default: 0
        keepLength: {
            type: Boolean,
            default: false

    methods: {
        onPaginationChangePage(page) {
            this.$emit('pagination-change-page', page);

Scoped Slot Props

The RenderlessPagination component has the same pros and events as the pre-built pagination components. However, it also exposes the following scoped slot props:


The data prop that was passed to the RenderlessPagination component.


The limit prop that was passed to the RenderlessPagination component.


The keepLength prop that was passed to the RenderlessPagination component.


Some computed properties that are used by the RenderlessPagination component:

  • isApiResource - Boolean indicating whether the data prop is an API resource
  • currentPage - Integer indicating the current page
  • firstPageUrl - The URL for the first page
  • from - Integer indicating the first item on the current page
  • lastPage - Integer indicating the last page
  • lastPageUrl - The URL for the last page
  • nextPageUrl - The URL for the next page
  • perPage - Integer indicating the number of items per page
  • prevPageUrl - The URL for the previous page
  • to - Integer indicating the last item on the current page
  • total - Integer indicating the total number of items
  • pageRange - An array of integers indicating the page range


An object containing the event listeners for the previous button:

  • click - Event listener for the click event


An object containing the event listeners for the next button:

  • click - Event listener for the click event


An function containing the event listeners for a page button. Takes the page number as an argument:

  • click - Event listener for the click event